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Re: NVC interview question (URGENT)

페이지 정보

작성자 미사모도우미 작성일18-03-23 17:49 조회1,931회


 My mother has an NVC appointment at the US Embassy on APR 6th 2018. I am the petitioner who is also her son. I applied through a lawyer in the US, but he hasn’t given me an answer yet. My mother is very anxious and nervous so someone please tell me how to prepare and what documents to bring to the interview. Thank you.



미사모 이민법인의 김시영 미국 변호사입니다.

답변 드립니다.


시민권자의 부모 초청으로 진행하신 것으로 보입니다. 이제 주한 미 대사관의 인터뷰를 기다리고 계시는데, 인터뷰 통보 서류를 확인해 보시면, 한국 및 미국에서 별도로 준비해서 인터뷰 시 지참하셔야 할 목록을 알 수 있습니다. 대부분 NVC 서류 제출 당시, 유사한 서류이며 추가하실 서류는 신체검사 결과지와 비자 발급용 사진입니다. 서류 목록을 이 곳에 모두 설명해 드리기는 어렵습니다. 가급적 저희 사무실 이메일로 문의를 남겨 주시면 설명을 드리겠습니다.



This is Si Young Kim, Esq. from Law Office of MISAMO Emigration Corp.


I believe you, the peititoner, have submitted IR-5, petition, for parent(s) of a USC., and now your mother, the beneficiary, is expected to have her immigrant visa interview on April 6, 2018. If you received (you must have) packet 4, it has a list of document your mother must bring to her interview. Some documents may take more than two weeks to get them issued, translated and be ready for her interview. Others are just plain certificates. So, check your packet 4 and you'd better get started gathering documents. Besides, your mother also needs to get her medical exam result from a hospital (there are five different hospitals in Korea, and all assigned by USCIS, so find the list in the packet 4). For the result, since it may take more than a week to get them in your hand, you need to start calling hospitals now and make a reservation for your mother. Have your mother get ready to submit I-864 too along with evidence to support the papers, such as IRS tax return form 1040, w-2, and paystub. At the interview, your mother must have all documents be ready to submit. If you need help more than what I explain it to you here, please e-mail our office to misamo12@hanmail.net or misamo@misamogo.com.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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